For Today For Today - Talmidim (The Servants)

Lord of glory
Make us worthy to possess your name

Give us a new name
Call us your people, God
Give us a new name

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you
I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh
And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws
You will live in the land I gave to your forefathers
You will be my people, and I will be your God

Lord of glory
Make us worthy to possess your name

Give us a new name
Call us your people, God
Give us a new name

Lord of glory
Make us worthy to possess your name

And through all of this, there is nothing, absolutely nothing
No fear, no insecurity, no doubt, no hesitation
That will ever, ever stop us
Because we are the sons of the living God
Because we are the children of the almighty
Because we are the residence of the kingdom of heaven
And we are soldiers in an army of the immortal
And when we speak life, life happens
And when we speak healing, healing happens
And when we speak truth, truth happens
And when we go
Take what we founde to a dead world, we will see it come to life again
When we take what we found to a hopeless world,we will see hope come back
We will see the hearts of our world start beating again
And we will see the color come back in peoples faces
And absolutely nothing will ever stop that
Mountains will move before us and oceans will part before us
And the dead will raise before us
And the world will know that our God is a God that heals!
That our God is God that lives!
That our God is a God that loves unlike anything anyone has ever felt before!
Because we are fearless!
Because we are his hands!
Because we are his feet!
Forever and ever!